Helping Canberra businesses to start up, operate, innovate and grow.
Start a business
Start your new business in Canberra. Find out about registrations, licences and business structures. Learn how to make the plans you need to succeed.
Run your business
Understand your responsibilities as a business owner. Learn how to run your business safely, legally and sustainably.
Grow your business
Find the support your need to innovate and grow. From attracting investment, to supplying to government, to exporting to new markets.
Find and manage staff
Learn how to manage your employees, keep them safe and find new people to join your growing business.
Tools and resources
Check out our list of tools, templates, checklists and other useful information to help you start, run and grow your business.
Get help and advice
Access to support services for every stage of your business. Offering tailored help, advice and network opportunities.
Knowledge-based businesses
Find out about the different types of support available to knowledge-based businesses in Canberra.