Regulatory reforms to grow your business
The ACT Government is delivering reforms to make it easier to start up, run, and grow a business in the ACT.
We want to support ACT businesses by putting in place better regulatory settings and simplifying interactions between business and government.
If you are an ACT business, find out about recent changes to the following policy areas.
New standards for entertainment noise
Live music venues and outdoor performances in the City Centre Entertainment Precinct (CCEP) are now better protected from closure and cancellation.
If you are a business in the CCEP, or a local musician or performer, find out about the changes to noise standards for entertainment noise in the CCEP.
Learn more about the changes on ACT Planning entertainment precincts.
Find advice on noise standards on the Access Canberra noise management portal.
Business and community feedback showed strong support for a lively entertainment precinct to nurture and protect venues and live music. Read the discussion paper and consultation report.
See also a regulatory impact statement which was prepared to support the changes on the ACT Legislation website.
Liquor licensing
If you are a licensed business, you may benefit from recent changes to liquor licensing in the ACT.
Changes include:
- reduced liquor licence fees for eligible businesses
- extended trading hours for eligible businesses
- greater flexibility for some businesses that provide complimentary alcohol with their services
- support for eligible licensed businesses that showcase artists, musicians and cultural activities
- automatic extended trading hours for declared special events, and
- increased access to free authorisations for extended trading hours and changes to floor plans for business-led events and special events.
Find more information and application forms on Access Canberra's liquor licences page.
Read more about the law reform on Liquor licensing reforms.
Learn why the government introduced these changes by reading the Night-time Economy Review.
Responsible service of alcohol
If you are a licensed business, you can now employ workers who hold a valid Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate from another State or Territory. They will need to complete an ACT approved refresher course once the certificate expires.
Find more information in Access Canberra's guide to using your liquor licence.
Supplying to government
If you're a business that wants to apply for government contracts, see Supplying to ACT Government on the Procurement ACT website. You can now access a step-by-step guide to supplying to the ACT Government.
Read about the government’s procurement reform program on Procurement ACT.
Employment agents
If you are an employment agent, you no longer need to be licensed in the ACT. You are still unable to charge fees to job seekers who use your services.
Find out more on Access Canberra employment agent licences.
Occupational licensing
If you are a business whose employees require occupational licensing, you can now employ people who hold valid interstate licences. The new changes apply across many different industries.
Read about what occupations are covered by automatic mutual recognition in the ACT on Access Canberra's interstate occupational licences and registrations.
Find out more about the law reform on Occupational mobility for interstate workers.
Have your say
We run frequent consultations with business and the wider community to understand how changes to regulations will affect everyone involved.
Tell us about your business needs and help shape regulatory reform by participating in an open consultation. Watch this space for the next consultation we are running.
You can also subscribe to Canberra Business Update eNewsletter to keep informed of opportunities.