Child protection and youth justice
Child abuse and neglect
Report child abuse or neglect
What to do before you report child abuse or neglect, other ways to help a family, and how we assess child abuse reports.
Child abuse reporting laws
All adults must report child abuse and neglect. Learn what you must report and how you're protected.
Training to respond to child abuse and neglect
Sign up for training if you work or volunteer for an ACT organisation that works with children.
Child protection in the workplace: Reportable Conduct Scheme
Report possible child abuse or misconduct toward children to an employee’s workplace.
Get information about a reportable conduct investigation
Check if your organisation can get information to help keep a child or young person safe.
If your family is involved with child protection
If a child concern report is made about your child
Child and Youth Protection Services may find out more about your child and family. Find out how we work with families and what to do when you talk with us.
Deciding if your child needs care and protection
Learn how we assess your child's situation and know your rights as a parent. Find out what happens if your child needs care and protection.
Going to court about a care and protection order
The ACT Children's Court will decide what should happen to keep your child safe. Learn how to prepare and what happens at court.
Care and Protection Orders
Read about the types of care and protection orders, how long they last and how to change or remove an order.
Decisions about your child while they're in care
Learn who looks after your child and how we make decisions about their daily care.
Contact with your child while they're in care
Learn how we decide contact arrangements, prepare to see your child and get tips to make visits positive and enjoyable.
Planning for your child to come home
How we decide it's safe to return your child to your care, and what you can do to get your child home sooner.
Children, Young People and Families Panel
Matching children, young people, families, and carers to services they need.
Foster care and kinship care
Plans to keep children and young people safe
Make a family plan to keep kids safe
A meeting where your family comes together in a culturally safe way to work on the care, wellbeing and safety of your kids.
Sharing your support services at a Family Group Conference
How to prepare for a conference if you’re invited to talk about your support services.
Support for children with serious harmful behaviour
Therapy for children under 18 who harm or might harm themselves, others or animals.