Community service providers
Help to understand and follow national and ACT standards and laws to give quality services to Canberrans who need them.
Responding to domestic and family violence
Using restrictive practices
Providing services to people with disability
Report a critical incident
If you provide a specialist disability service, you must tell the Human Services Registrar about an accident or problem that risks life, health or safety.
Register as a Visitable Place
Add your business to the Visitable Places Register if you provide specialist disability accommodation or services at the accommodation.
Disability support in a crisis or emergency
Help to coordinate short-term disability services for a client whose health or wellbeing is threatened.
Get advice or help
Contact the ACT Human Services Registrar for advice or help to understand and meet your obligations.
Providing community care and protection services
Becoming a care and protection organisation
You must be approved by the Human Services Registrar to provide a community care and protection service in the ACT.
Get advice or help
Contact the ACT Human Services Registrar for advice or help to understand and meet your obligations.
Carers Recognition Act: requirements for care and carer support agencies
Includes raising awareness, consulting with carers and reporting annually.
Providing community housing
Working with ACT Government to design and deliver community services
How we design, fund and deliver human services in the ACT.
Understand the commissioning cycle
Learn how we work together to make our partnerships more responsive to community needs.
Tools, templates and training
Find resources, tools, advice to help you deliver services and programs to meet the needs of our community.