Domestic, family and sexual violence
Services to support people affected by domestic, family or sexual violence in the ACT.
Get help now
If you're experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence
Financial support
Available financial support if you have experienced domestic or family violence.
Safer Families Assistance Program
You could get $2,000 financial assistance if you have experienced domestic or family violence.
Escaping Violence Payment
You could get up to $5,000 financial assistance if you’ve recently left or are planning to leave, and you are struggling with finances.
Crisis Payment
You could get the Crisis Payment from Services Australia if you’ve experienced extreme circumstances family and domestic violence and you're in severe financial hardship.
Safer in the Home
You could get help with safety upgrades to your home if you choose to stay in your home after domestic and family violence.
Family and domestic violence financial assistance
If you’re on temporary visa and experiencing domestic and family violence, you could get a payment of up to $5000 and other support.
Financial assistance for victims of crime
Financial assistance is available to help victims of violent crimes in the ACT.
Understand domestic and family violence
Types of domestic and family violence
Violent and controlling behaviours that make family members or intimate partners feel afraid and unsafe.
Supporting someone affected by domestic and family violence
Signs of abuse and how to support someone experiencing abuse.
Stories from ACT women
Women share personal experiences of what it's like to be a victim of domestic and family violence.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Find culturally safe support services and learn how domestic and family violence affects communities.
ACT Government contacts
Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Office
We lead the ACT Government’s work to improve the ACT’s response to domestic, family and sexual violence.
Domestic Violence Prevention Council
We help the ACT Government improve its response to domestic and family violence by bringing together experts from the community, police and courts.