Your rights as a young worker
Learn about your rights at work and use the work checklist to get ready to start a new job.
Finding a job and starting work for the first time can be a great experience. You can earn your own money, develop new skills, build your confidence and make new friends.
Before you start a new job, make sure you and your parents know your rights at work.
Your rights at work
As a young worker you are protected by special employment rules. Your employer must follow these rules.
The rules are the same if you are volunteering or helping in your family’s business but not getting paid.
You can read more about this in the Young People at Work Guide [PDF 979kB].
You also have all the same rights as adult workers do.
You can work up to 10 hours a week. Depending on your age, there are also limits to how many hours you can work each day.
The work needs to be light work.
You cannot work during hours you are meant to be at school. It’s important working doesn’t get in the way of your schooling.
Your parents need agree you can do the work.
Working must not get in the way of your education or training.
If you go to school, you cannot work when you need to be there.
It’s important work doesn’t harm your health, safety or development.
Work checklist for children and young people
Use the checklist before you start work.
- My parent or guardian has provided informed, written consent (if under 15).
- I have given my consent.
- My employer has provided employment details to me in writing.
- I have a clear idea about the of the work and conditions.
- I am confident I am mature enough to do this job.
- I know what my rights are to pay and conditions.
- I know how much and how often I will be paid.
- I know which award or agreement I will be working under (if there is one for the job).
- I know whether the employment will be full-time, part-time or casual.
- I know if there will be a probation period when I start.
- I know when I am expected to work and for how long.
- I know what meal breaks I am entitled to.
- I have the right person to call if I’m going to be away from work.
- I am confident this work will not interfere with my education.
- I can travel to and from work safely.
- I am satisfied my employer or supervisor will treat me fairly.
- I know who I can call if I need help or advice about my working conditions and employment rights.
- I have spoken with my parent/guardian about what I will do with the money I earn.
Information for parents
If your child is working or volunteering, it’s important to make sure:
- work is balanced with play, exercise, rest and study
- work doesn’t stop your child from enjoying and developing normally
- work doesn’t become more important than school
- your child doesn’t get too tired to do homework.
Children between 0 and 3 (usually involved in photographic work) must always be supervised by a parent or guardian, or by a suitably qualified child development expert.
Children under 12 must be supervised by a parent or guardian or by a responsible adult approved by a parent or guardian. This includes door-to-door sales or charity work and letterbox delivery work.
Young people from 12 to 14 must be supervised by a responsible adult while at work. This includes while working outdoors outside of daylight hours.
Your child’s money
Before your child begins work, make sure you agree what will happen with their pay:
- Can your child do what they like with all the money or only some of it?
- Does your child have to bank some money?
- Does your child have to buy certain things with their pay?
Checklist for parents
Before your child starts work, it is a good idea to use this checklist to make sure you have thought everything through.
- My child wants to do this work and has given their consent.
- I have a clear idea about the nature of the work my child will be doing and the working conditions.
- I am confident this work will not harm my child’s health or development.
- I am confident this work will not interfere with my child’s education.
- I am confident my child will be safe.
- I am confident my child will be adequately supervised.
- For my child under 12 years old, I have arranged to supervise my child myself when working, or have approved a responsible adult to supervise my child (required by law).
- My child has the maturity to do this job.
- My child will be paid fairly for work done.
- I am satisfied my child’s employer or supervisor will treat my child fairly.
- I know about my child’s rights at work and the laws to protect them.
- I have provided informed, written consent for my child under the age of 15 years to do this work (required by law). You can use our parental consent form template [PDF 278kB]
Contact for help
If you’re not sure about something, whether you’re working or planning to start work, contact us for help and advice.
Read more
Employment of children and young people checklist [PDF 554kB] helps employers and young people understand if they need to apply for an exemption to employ a young person.
If you want to read more about what the law says about employing young people, read: