Early childhood and preschool
Explore your options for early childhood education and care, from birth to year 2, including preschool.
Early years
Choose an early childhood education and care service
Explore your options for education and care, including long day care (birth to school age) and family day care (birth to 13 years). Find a service provider.
Free three-year-old preschool
Check what's required and how to access up to 300 hours a year of free three-year-old preschool.
Partner providers for free three-year-old preschool
Explore the list of partner providers for free three-year-old preschool.
Free three-year-old preschool
Find out how you can access up to 300 hours a year of free preschool at a partnering service provider.
Preschool for 4-year-olds
4-year-old preschool
Find out how to get up to 15 hours a week of free preschool for 4-year-olds.
Koori Preschool
Find out about free preschool for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children that embraces First Nations culture.
Specialist preschool
Find out what specialist preschools offer for children with significant intellectual disability or Global Development Delay.
Early entry to preschool
Check if you can apply for your child to start preschool early, for example, if they are gifted and talented or have limited English.
Supporting your child in preschool
Find resources and tips to help you support your child to start preschool and thrive.
Early childhood schools
Related information
Regulating early childhood education and care
Learn about regulation, monitoring and compliance in the early childhood education and care sector.
Public school term dates and public holidays
Find dates for public school terms and public holidays in the ACT.
Set up for Success: Early childhood strategy
Read about our 10-year plan for early childhood education and care in the ACT.