Waragul (Dingoes) / wild dogs
The Waragul (Ngunnawal for Dingo) is estimated to have arrived in Australia 5,000 to 8,000 years ago. Waragul are top order predators in Australian ecosystems and prey on native and introduced species. Waragul can cause serious impacts on farming enterprises through harming livestock, particularly sheep.
The ACT Government currently refers to Waragul, feral domestic dogs, and Waragul/domestic dog hybrids as wild dogs in national control frameworks. Waragul are also referenced as wild dogs/ dingoes under the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005.
Current genetic testing suggests that the ACT’s population of wild dogs/dingoes is primarily Waragul. There are few or no Waragul/domestic dog hybrids in the ACT population (see below) and the only known occurrences of feral domestic dogs involve recently dumped/escaped dogs. It can be difficult to physically distinguish pure Waragul and Waragul that have interbred with domestic dogs, as they can look and behave the same.
Cultural significance
Waragul hold cultural significance for Ngunnawal people and Aboriginal communities more generally. In Ngunnawal family groups, Waragul were raised in the company of women and children. They were used as an effective hunting aid, a living blanket and protection against invaders while men were away for hunting or ceremony.
Waragul migration and footprints were tracked to find waterholes and pathways (songlines) across Country to help find food and neighbouring nation groups.
Management policy and methods
Waragul are declared pest animals under the Pest Plants and Animals (Pest Animals) Declaration 2021.
The ACT Pest Animal Management Strategy and Namadgi National Park Plan of Management guide the management of pest animals. Control programs are in place in the ACT to limit impacts on livestock in rural properties.
The impacts of Waragul attacks on livestock greatly affect graziers. Graziers can feel stress and anxiety due to their close bond with their animals, which can harm their mental health, and they have to spend more money protecting their land. This takes away resources from other important farming tasks, adding to their stress.
Losing animals reduces their income because each animal represents money they invested. This leads to lost earnings from breeding or selling those animals in the future.
Due to this, Waragul are controlled in conservation areas near rural properties. In the core area of Namadgi National Park, conservation of Waragul is the priority and no control occurs.
ACT is a signatory to three cooperative Wild Dog Management plans with neighbouring stakeholders in NSW.
Control methods and effectiveness vary across NSW and ACT. Current control methods used include:
- leghold traps
- poisoned baits (1080 sodium fluoroacetate baiting)
- shooting
- exclusion fencing
- guardian animals.
A pest animal controller is employed within the ACT Government to undertake control in specific areas.
All aspects of Waragul management are monitored to ensure efficient delivery, cost effectiveness and humane implementation.
Research and updates to plans, legislation and management
In 2024, Dr Kylie Cairns of the University of New South Wales conducted genetic analysis of 20 samples from Waragul in Namadgi using a modern comprehensive genetic test. All samples showed 100% Waragul ancestry, with no evidence of hybridisation with domestic dogs.
Subsequent analysis has been undertaken on a further 20 animals from Waragul range adjoining the ACT, with all samples likewise showing no hybridisation with domestic dogs. Additional samples will be analysed as they become available.
This research, along with other factors, has prompted the ACT Government to commit to recognising Waragul as a unique animal with important cultural and ecological value. Further policy work is underway to determine the preferred approach to ensure Waragul are protected as a native animal under the Nature Conservation Act, continuing to ensure negative impacts on landholders and stock are minimised as far as possible.
Policy options may include:
- removing Waragul as a declared pest under the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005 (which currently refers to wild dogs/wild dingoes)
- declaring the Waragul as a controlled native species under the Nature Conservation Act 2014 and developing a Controlled Native Species Plan to enable ongoing control.
Scientific groups and academics have different views about Waragul. Research is ongoing about how these animals live and interact with other species. Better ways to monitor Waragul to support management goals are being implemented across Namadgi National Park, in both core (non-control) areas and in the buffer zone where the park adjoins rural properties. While policy work is taking place there will be no changes to the way Waragul are managed in the ACT.
Advice for encounters
Incidents of Waragul in Namadgi National Park interacting with people are rare. It is still sensible to take precautions to discourage these animals from becoming less fearful of humans.
If you encounter a Waragul in Namadgi National Park:
- do not approach the animal. You can use binoculars, or your camera zoom if you would like to watch it from a distance
- never feed the animal, even accidentally. Lock up your food stores, packs and eskies, and take all your food scraps and rubbish with you.
In the unlikely event of threatening behaviour:
- stay alert but calm
- do not run or wave your arms because it can trigger an attack
- face the animal, stand still at full height, fold your arms across your chest, and keep eye contact with the animal.
- calmly back away, and if you are with another person, stand back-to-back.