Drugs, alcohol, smoking and vaping
Find information about your health and alcohol, drugs, smoking and vaping.
Drug checking
Access drug checking, also known as pill testing, services in Canberra.
Drug law reform
Canberra's drug laws are changing to encourage access to health services. Find out what is changing and why.
Cannabis and your health
Find out about the short and long term affects cannabis can have on your health.
Needle and syringe program
Access sterile injecting equipment and safe disposal facilities at locations across the ACT.
Take home naloxone
Take home naloxone is available for free to people who may experience or witness an opioid overdose or adverse reaction.
Alcohol and your health
Find out about the impact of alcohol on your health and read our guidelines on how to lower your risk.
Alcohol support services
Access support services for help with alcohol and other drugs, mental health, pregnancy, pre-pregnancy and parenting.
Children, young people and alcohol
Children and young people are at increased risk of harm from alcohol. Find out what the risks are and how to keep children safe.
Cutting back on alcohol
Use our resources to help you reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, or to help support someone else to.
Smoking and vaping
Smoking and vaping
Smoking and vaping are regulated in the ACT. Find out about smoking and vaping laws in the ACT.
Get help to quit smoking or vaping
Quitting smoking or vaping can be hard. Get support or advice to help you quit.
Smoking and your health
Smoking puts your health at risk. Find out how smoking affects your health.
Vaping and your health
Vaping is not safe. Find out about the health risks of vaping.
Where you cannot smoke or vape
There are rules about where you can smoke or vape in the ACT. Find out where smoking and vaping are banned.