An ACT Government Website

Get repairs to your public housing home

Find out how to get repairs, how long it takes and what you’ll need to pay for. You can also get help to complain about a repair or the cost.

While you’re a public housing renter, you’ll need to take care of the home and get repairs.

Book a repair

Your home will be repaired by Programmed Facilities Management (Programmed).

To get a repair, contact Programmed.

Maintenance and repairs

Repairs we pay for

We pay for things that need to be fixed or replaced from day-to-day use. This is called wear and tear. It includes things like:

  • a hot water system breaking down
  • a roof leaking after a storm.

Repairs you pay for

You must pay to fix damage you, your visitors or your pets cause. This includes damage that is accidental.

Here are some examples of repairs you must pay for if you cause the damage.

Type of work

Average cost

Locksmith – unlocking a door

$150 to $250

Locksmith – supply and install new lock

$240 to $400

Reglazing one standard window (depends on thickness)

$200 to $400

Internal doors – replacing one door (swing or sliding)

$400 to $500

Replace entry door or screen door

$600 to $900

Re-gauze flyscreens

$50 to $150

Blocked toilet or drain – minor blockage

$150 to $250

Patching walls and ceiling

$150 to $250

Replace a clothesline

$500 to $700

Missing items

You must also pay to replace missing items like:

  • flyscreens
  • doors
  • door handles
  • ovens
  • heaters.

Paying for repairs

When you ask for repairs, Programmed will tell you if the work is:

  • your responsibility, which means you must pay for it
  • our responsibility (normal wear and tear), which means we pay for it.

If you’re responsible for the repairs

After Programmed does the repairs, you’ll get a letter describing the repairs, cost and how to pay.

If you have trouble paying for the repairs, you can ask your housing manager about a payment plan.

You can also choose your own repair person. They must do the work to a ‘tradesman-like’ standard.

For building, electrical and plumbing repairs, you must:

  • get a licensed trade person
  • give us their invoice as proof.

How long repairs take

If the situation is dangerous, we will repair it quickly.

Your repair will be either:

  • Urgent – fixed within 4 hours
  • Priority next day – fixed by 6:00 pm the next day
  • Priority – fixed within 5 days
  • Normal repairs – fixed within 20 days

When you ask for repairs, Programmed will:

  • decide how urgent it is
  • let you know how long it will take to fix.
  • call you to arrange a time to do the repairs.

Urgent repairs

A repair is urgent if:

  • it is causing a dangerous situation
  • the home will be damaged further if repairs do not happen quickly.

For example:

  • burst water service
  • gas leak
  • electrical fault
  • your only toilet has stopped working
  • serious storm or fire damage.

Programmed will visit within 4 hours to make the home safe.

Priority next day repairs

A repair is a priority next day if an essential service fails.

For example, no:

  • hot water
  • heating
  • cooking.

Programmed will visit your home by 6:00 pm the next day to fix the problem or make the home safe.

Priority repairs

A repair is a priority when a problem could affect your health, safety or security if is not fixed quickly.

For example:

  • hot water slow to heat
  • most of stove not working
  • toilet pan loose
  • minor blockage of second toilet
  • taps you can’t turn on.

Programmed will fix the problem within 5 days.

Normal repairs

Normal repairs will be either:

  • repaired within 20 days
  • added to planned maintenance.

Types of repairs that happen within 20 days include:

  • internal door handle is loose or has fallen off
  • renew silicone seal to kitchen splashback
  • cracked roof tile or floor tile
  • difficult to operate window or gate
  • taps have a slow leak.

Repairs on a planned maintenance program usually happen over the next year. Types of planned maintenance include:

  • new floor coverings
  • internal and external painting
  • major upgrades in kitchen, bathroom or laundry
  • new ceiling insulation.

Programmed will call you to book a suitable time for the maintenance.

Dispute a repair cost

If you are charged for a repair and you did not cause the damage, you can dispute the charge.

  1. You’ll get a dispute form with the letter describing the repairs, cost and how to pay.
  2. Fill in the form and return it to your housing manager.

Your housing manager can give you advice on what proof to include, for example:

  • a statutory declaration
  • a police incident number if the damage was caused by a break-in.

Damage caused by a break-in

You should report a break-in to the police within 24 hours.

Police will give you an incident or reference number.

Damage caused by domestic or family violence

You should contact your housing manager to talk about the charges.

Complain about repairs

To complain about repairs, contact Programmed.

If you complain to Programmed, they will reply to your complaint within 16 working days.

If you are not happy with the outcome, follow our complaints process.