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Major Projects Canberra (MPC) was established in 2019. It is entrusted to plan and deliver transformative facilities and infrastructure across Canberra to support a growing and diversifying population. MPC also delivers property and asset management services to ACT Government owned and leased properties. This contributes to improving our liveability, enabling a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable city.

MPC works in close collaboration with our directorate partners across Government. Our staff specialise in project planning and delivery, contract administration and technical advice. We are responsible for an expansive capital works program that covers:

Key roles

The Director General and the ACT Chief Engineer play a key role in shaping Canberra's infrastructure program and building the local engineering workforce.

Director General

The Director General leads MPC and reports to the Head of Service. They are directly accountable to the Treasurer and relevant Ministers.

ACT Chief Engineer and the Board of Engineering Excellence

Through the Board of Engineering Excellence, the ACT Chief Engineer engages with ACT Government partners in the engineering industry and peak engineering bodies. Their mission is to build productive relationships across the sector and ensure excellence in engineering in infrastructure projects across the Territory.

Find out more about the Chief Engineer and Board of Engineering Excellence

Key outputs

The key outputs MPC delivers include:

Major projects

Projects that have significant complexity and scale are classified as major projects. MPC bears budget accountability for major projects and report directly to minister responsible for each project. There are currently four projects which has been classified as major projects. This includes:

Learn more about our major projects

Whole-of-government infrastructure

Projects that form part of the ACT Governments $14 billion infrastructure plan are listed in the projects pipeline.

Delivery is lead by a team of infrastructure project specialists. They provide a range of project management, procurement and planning support to partner directorates. This enables the delivery of key urban infrastructure such as schools, community facilities and health services.

Learn more about our infrastructure program

Property management

MPC delivers a range of property management services for properties owned or leased by the ACT Government. Services include:

Support functions

MPC includes several divisions that provide enabling services. These services are critical to project delivery and include:

Learn more about our support functions

Organisation chart

View the Major Projects Canberra organisation structure