If you want to apply for ACT nomination for a Skilled Nominated (Permanent) visa (subclass 190) as an Overseas resident, you must meet the following criteria at the date you submit the Canberra Matrix:
- Department of Home Affairs Criteria: you meet the relevant Department of Home Affairs Criteria and can apply for your visa. You must meet this criterion when you submit your Canberra Matrix and continue to do so until you receive ACT nomination. This includes having a valid English test and Skill Assessment.
- Your English test and Skill Assessment must be valid at date of Canberra Matrix submission and at date of ACT nomination.
- Nominated occupation: your nominated occupation is on the latest ACT Critical Skills List.
- Relevant overseas work experience: you have at least three years full-time, post graduate work experience in your nominated occupation in the last five years. The work experience must be assessed as relevant by the assessing body in your points tested skill assessment (if the points advice service is provided by the assessing body).
- Your skills and experience in the nominated occupation are relevant to the ACT economy.
- If required, you hold the relevant Australian registration or licence for your nominated occupation.
- English: you meet the Department of Home Affairs requirement for 'Proficient' or 'Superior' English unless your nominated occupation:
- Is Chef 351311; or,
- Has an ANZSCO skill level of 3 to 5.
- ACT employability: you have researched the ACT labour market and you are satisfied that you are employable in Canberra and that your background is relevant to the ACT economy. Please note, you may not be eligible to apply for positions within the Australian Government due to citizenship / security clearance requirements.
- You must attach an employment statement explaining the research undertaken and confirming that you are employable in Canberra. The statement should include recent job vacancies you are eligible for.
- Commitment to Canberra: you have researched Canberra and you are committed to living in the ACT.
- You must attach a commitment statement to the application, explaining in your own words why you want to live in Canberra.
- You must sign a declaration committing to living and working in Canberra for at least two years from the date of arrival in Australia.
- Residency: you and any migrating dependents(except children enrolled at school in the ACT):
- are living overseas.
- have not lived in Australia for the last 12 months.
- do not hold a current Australian visa (or bridging visa) with the exception of an Australian visitor visa.
- Settlement funds: you have access to sufficient money to fund your migration and settlement in Canberra.
- If you have a Spouse / Partner and you wish to claim Canberra Matrix points in a spouse or partner category:
- You must have proof of the relationship: either a marriage certificate or civil partnership/union certificate. For ACT nomination purposes, we do not accept a de facto relationship without a relationship certificate unless you cannot legally obtain a relationship certificate in your country of residence.
- When claiming Matrix points in the spouse / partner employment category, they must meet the Department of Home Affairs requirement for ‘competent’ English; or hold an Australian passport.
- Service Fee: $300
Your supporting documentation must evidence your eligibility to apply for ACT nomination and any Matrix score claimed.