Your obligations to live in Canberra
Congratulations on the grant of your ACT nominated skilled migration visa. When you applied for ACT 491 / 190 nomination, you committed to live in Canberra for at least two years starting from either:
- the date your visa is granted (if you're a Canberra resident), or
- the date you arrive in Australia (if you're an overseas resident).
During these two years, you must live in Canberra and:
- complete settlement surveys at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months; and
- let us know if any of your details change.
You will not be released from your signed obligations.
On Visa grant
Email the ACT Migration team on as soon as the Department of Home Affairs tells you they granted your visa. Your email must include:
- the visa grant notification for yourself and all family members (if applicable) as an attachment; and
- the date you expect to arrive in Canberra (if you're an overseas resident).
Overseas residents
Before you arrive, we can give you information and advice and refer you to relevant websites if you have questions about living in Canberra.
Contact us by email
You must register your arrival in Canberra. We follow up with you by phone or email eight weeks later to check on how you are going.
Settling in Canberra
The Welcome2Canberra service provides links to many organisations and services that can help you settle in Canberra.
More information about living in Canberra is also available at
You may contact the team by email: