ACT Domestic and Family Violence Risk Assessment Framework
The framework outlines a common approach to understanding domestic and family violence. It builds a shared understanding of the nature of domestic and family violence and provides a common language for describing it. The framework also establishes a common approach to screening, assessing and managing domestic and family violence risk. This will enable a more confident, consistent and effective response across the broad service system.
The framework has 6 key components plus practice guides and fact sheets to support people in their work.
ACT Domestic and Family Violence Risk Assessment Framework [PDF 1.2 MB]
DFV RAMF Practice guide 1: Screening for adults [PDF 96 KB]
DFV RAMF Practice guide 2: Example risk assessment [PDF 124 KB]
DFV RAMF Practice guide 3: Safety plan template [PDF 79 KB]
DFV RAMF Practice guide 4: e-safety checklist [PDF 99 KB]
DFV RAMF Practice guide 5: Risk management planning example and template [PDF 224 KB]
DFV RAMF Practice guide 6: Summary risk assessment and management template [PDF 84 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 1: Information on coercion and control [PDF 110 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 2: Intersectionality [PDF 92 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 3: Impacts of domestic and family violence on women [PDF 128 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 4: Impacts of domestic and family violence on children [PDF 144 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 5: ACT key risk factors [PDF 82 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 6: Structured professional judgement [PDF 108 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 7: Risk management conversation guide [PDF 130 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 8: Risk factors for children [PDF 100 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 9: When men are labelled as victim-survivors [PDF 81 KB]
DFV RAMF Fact sheet 10: Determining the primary aggressor [PDF 124 KB]