Landscape architect and founder of The Climate Factory Edwina Robinson recommends the Plant Selector Tool.
21 November 2023
Anyone can be a green thumb if you know what to grow, and a key part of that is understanding your local climate.
The ACT Government’s Canberra Plant Selector is a free online tool that can help you choose the best plants for your climate-wise garden.
The tool features over 340 species. You can search for plants suited to Canberra’s climate based on sun, shade, frost tolerance and water needs.
Climate-wise gardens can help protect you against extreme heat, rainfall events and bushfires.
Edwina Robinson is a landscape architect and founder of Canberra social enterprise The Climate Factory.
The Climate Factory builds demonstration micro-forests around Canberra that cool the local environment, and work to inspire others to build their own community micro-forest.
Edwina recommends gardeners try the Canberra Plant Selector and says your climate-wise garden can help keep your home cool in hot weather – and can also provide a haven for native birds and pollinators.
“You might choose to have higher water use plants closer to the house. These will look lush and green and help keep your outdoor space cool. And consider incorporating a pond. It could even be a pond in a waterproof pot – full of wetland plants with leaves for dragonflies to land on,” she said.
“Canberra’s climate is likely, on average, to get hotter and drier in the future. So prepare your garden soil with organic matter. Choose plants carefully. And think about how you will water your plants during dry weather.
“The Canberra Plant Selector is a must for learning about garden plants. You should also visit local nurseries that specialise in plants for Canberra's climate. And talk to neighbours who have gardens already,” she said.
Everyone can help to make Canberra a climate-ready city. As a climate-wise gardener, you can preserve water, reduce urban heat and create important habitat for native species.
View the Canberra Plant Selector.
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