Lots of people gather in a park. There are tents set up and bunting.

The three-day event is one of the most loved community events on the ACT calendar.

13 May 2024

Mark your calendars – the 2025 National Multicultural Festival will be held from 7 to 9 February 2025.

Australia’s largest celebration of cultural diversity, the three-day event is one of the most loved community events on the ACT calendar.

As with previous years, the festival will bring together numerous multicultural communities who share culture, history and heritage through food, art, song and dance.

The dates were locked in by Minister for Multicultural Affairs Mick Gentleman this morning.

You can expect a host of talented performers across the weekend, workshops and mouthwatering food stalls. And for those who wish to take part, applications for performers and stallholders will open soon.

A favourite among locals and visitors alike, the festival provides a significant boost to the Territory’s economy.

The attendance for the 2024 festival was the highest ever, with a total attendance of 417,359 people across the weekend, up from 380,563 in 2023.

It also brings many people to Canberra. This year, 19,181 people visited the ACT, equating to 33,940 visitor nights and a total economic benefit of $21.2 million.

The full program and timetable will be released closer to the date.

Applications for showcase performance leaders for next year’s festival will open soon.

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