A young woman looks out across a lake. Telstra Tower is in the distance.

There are many Canberrans who can do with a helping hand.

14 March 2025

In brief:

  • There are many Canberrans who can do with a helping hand.
  • The ACT has many services and initiatives that may be of benefit, whatever the situation.
  • This article features a list of some of these services.

There are many vulnerable people in our community. Perhaps you know someone who is:

  • at risk
  • chronically unwell
  • unhappy, lonely or isolated
  • elderly or frail
  • facing financial difficulty
  • new to Canberra.

Whether it’s a family member, neighbour or colleague you’re concerned about, reaching out is a great first step.

Where relevant, you could help them make a call or fill out a form. You could even go along to an appointment or event with them.

The list of services below is not exhaustive but may benefit someone you know. Most are free or low cost.

Help with day-to-day living

Eligible ACT residents who cannot take their bins out to the kerb, due to chronic illness, frail age or disability, can apply to have this done for them.

A Companion Card allows people with significant and permanent disabilities to bring a companion for free to certain events and venues.

Canberrans having difficulty paying for groceries can visit Communities at Work pantries for discounted food and other essentials.

Communities at Work also provides free clothing, shoes and accessories for job interviews, court, funerals and other important events.

Canberrans can access free period products throughout the ACT.

Find more information on cost-of-living assistance.

Help with transport

Community bus services are for ACT residents who find it hard to use other forms of transport. They run from Monday to Friday and have flexible routes.

The ACT Taxi Subsidy Scheme provides financial help to ACT residents with a disability or significant mobility restriction that prevents them from using public and community transport.

Transport Canberra’s Flexible Bus Service helps Canberrans, such as the aged or people with mobility difficulties, get from their home to local community locations. Booking is required. Carers with a valid carers card are also welcome to travel.

Special needs transport is available for eligible students. Please check the application open dates and guidelines in advance.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander bus service provides opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to connect with their communities and culture in the ACT and surrounding regions.

More information regarding bus operating and booking hours, eligibility and guidelines for all services is available on Transport Canberra’s website.

The Fitness to Drive Medical Clinic assesses fitness to drive a motor vehicle.

Help with health care and wellbeing

Mobile dental clinics Mobile Dental Clinics are an additional service for aged, school children and vulnerable Canberrans to access dental care in the community.

Canberrans can access short term loan equipment via the ACT Equipment Loan Service. This is available on referral and includes:

  • mobility aids
  • hoists
  • wheelchairs
  • hospital beds and more.

This free, short-term service is for anyone being discharged from hospital and for ACT residents needing rehab or to trial equipment.

Eligible Canberrans with a lifelong or long-term disability  may be able to  access the ACT Equipment Scheme. The scheme can provide long term loan equipment that will help people live at home safely.

Know someone who already has a mobility aid or appliance? Why not remind them they can have it serviced or repaired through the Clinical Technology Workshop?

Anyone needing a walking aid can reach out to the Walking Aid Clinic.

The Canberra Sexual Health Centre offers all Canberrans aged 14 and over professional care without judgment.

Help is available to Canberrans who have experienced a change in their ability to carry out everyday activities due to a medical or health condition or disability. Brindabella Day and Ambulatory Rehabilitation Service provides a range of rehabilitation therapies.

Community Care Nursing can assist people with a range of conditions and healthcare needs. It can also be accessed in the home, if medically necessary. Nursing services include wound care, medication management and more.

Nutrition is a key part of health and wellbeing. The Community Care Nutrition Service offers specialised nutrition services to adults. As well as general healthy eating and nutrition support, the service can advise on chronic health conditions.

The Liaison and Navigation Service helps adults with complex needs navigate health and other services.

Adults with a chronic health condition affecting their quality of life may benefit from the Take Control – Live Well program. The three-week program helps people gain the skills and confidence to:

  • take control of their condition/s
  • reach health goals
  • make connections.

Other services available include:

You can find a range of other services on the Canberra Health Services website.

Help to reduce loneliness

Social isolation and loneliness can be harmful to mental and physical health. Visiting people or inviting them places can be extremely helpful. There is also a variety of ways people can meet others or find a new interest.

Volunteering can be a great way to find connection and purpose. Canberrans looking for volunteering opportunities, workshops and advice can contact VolunteeringACT.

There are lots of events happening every day on the Meetup website. From bushwalking to trivia, book clubs to dancing, there’s something to suit every interest.

Older Canberrans could consider getting involved in an Intergenerational Playgroup through ACT Playgroups. These can help isolated residents and parents to connect.

Social enterprise Café Stepping Stone runs various events at its Dickson and Strathnairn locations.

There are also plenty of weird and wacky sports to consider. This is a great way of trying something new and meeting new people at the same time.

Work-related help

ACT Women’s Return to Work workshops support women and gender diverse people returning to the workforce with grants and advice on next steps.

There is a free office skills course and ACT Government work placement for culturally and linguistically diverse Canberrans seeking meaningful employment.

The ACT Government can help veterans transition from employment in the Australian Defence Force to the ACT Government.

The RSL Veterans’ Employment Program is a free program helping veterans, family members and partners to find rewarding work.

Canberrans with a business can get free business support from the Access Canberra Business Assist Team. They can help you understand permits, licenses and approvals.

The Women’s Legal Centre ACT offers free legal advice to women in low-paid and/or precarious employment who are experiencing problems at work.

Crisis help

There is help for those who have experienced domestic and family violence.

Through a range of support services, Canberrans can apply for financial support following domestic and family violence.

Canberrans can get help to plan for safety, support children, find accommodation, sort out finances, take legal action and stay safe online.

Tenants experiencing domestic and family violence can also break a rental lease immediately, if needed.

There is support available to understand legal options in these circumstances.

Find more on domestic, family and sexual violence services.

Communities at Work Crisis Support can give immediate help with food, medical scripts and other essential supports. They can also provide:

  • bus tickets
  • phone vouchers and charging
  • showers
  • hygiene products
  • information and referral services.

If you know someone who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, there is help available. Find out about more services that can help with finding a safe place to stay, getting a free meal, having a shower or doing laundry.

There are a number of ways you can get help for your mental health in the ACT.

If you are in crisis or need support after hours, contact:

If you or a loved one are in an unsafe or life-threatening situation, call triple 000 immediately.

More avenues for help include:

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